June 29th, 2018
G.E.M. Inc., the manufacturer of Euroshield® rubber roofing, is pleased to announce the launch of Vermont Slate SC (Solid Core), the world's first HAIL PROOF roof material. Warranty Coverage for Vermont Slate SC field panels will be provided for hail damage caused by hail impact regardless of size. All other Euroshield field panels are covered by our 2" hail warranty. See Warranty for details.
After extensive product testing simulating extreme hail impact on all products in the Euroshield® line, we are pleased to offer this 100% product replacement coverage…an industry first for composite/synthetic/asphalt roofing products sold in North America. For complete details on coverage, please refer to the warranty found at http://www.euroshieldroofing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/EuroShield-Limited-Lifetime-Warranty-Aug-18th-2016.pdf
All Euroshield® products are UL2218 Class 4 Listed and under a follow up program with QAI Labs (Canada/USA)…an accredited building products testing facility. Insurance companies may offer premium discounts for impact resistant products that meet or exceed the requirements for UL2218 Class 4 Listed status. Talk to your insurance agent.
How tough is a Euroshield rubber roof? Check out our hail impact simulation videos using 2”, 3” and 4" ice balls fired from an air cannon at up to 183mph found on our homepage.